Making a witch in Fimo clay

hallowwen witch figurine in fimo
Sensitive souls please refrain! The witch's construction, piece by piece, may frighten some! Take a look at this autumn-colored witch in Fimo modeling clay for a Halloween craft in which children will need the help of an adult ( Fimo clay is reserved for children aged 8 and over).


  • Fimo Sable sahara (n°070)
  • Fimo Métalisé violet (n°602)
  • Fimo Copper (n°027)
  • Fimo Black (n°009)
  • very little Fimo Métalisé gold (n°112)
  • one large wooden skewer and 2 small ones
  • aluminum foil

Step-by-step manufacturing

pumpkin in fimo clay
   The largest elements (body, head, legs and pumpkin) are made from a tightly-packed ball of aluminum foil, over which a flat sheet of Fimo clay is draped.
Make sure head/body/pumpkin sizes are in proportion (a large head for a witch gives her a "fun" look). For the pumpkin, simply wrap it (except the top, which will be hidden by the dress) and mark the pumpkin's quarters.
modeling the figure's body
    Stick the wooden spike into the pumpkin (without piercing the base!). Thread the body onto the spike. Drape a flat area of Fimo Violet, pleating the dress. Make a colombin in Fimo Violet for the arm, glue it to the dress, marking the elbow, and add the little hand in Fimo sable to the end of the corolla-shaped arm colombin. If the hand is to hold a wooden broom, add it before baking. Make the collar-arm in Fimo Noir, which should be pleated and hide the upper arm. Tiny gold metallic petals, arranged in a trio, decorate the shawl.
And why not add a bow tie? Important: think of the fastener! Unless your witch is in a sitting position, you'll need to think of a fastening before baking: a folded wire pricked in the back and embedded in the aluminum ball works well (the fimo witch, once baked, is very light).
making legs from aluminium and polymer clay
   Make the legs: cover the shaped aluminum with a flat layer of Sable fimo, then add the elegant shoes. Use a small spade to fix each leg to the body, with the upper parts hidden under the dress.      

The aluminum ball forming the head is threaded onto the spade until it meets the shawl, then covered with a flat layer of Sable clay (be careful to have clean hands when starting to work with a light color). The face is formed, then the hair is added... one by one, by gluing it onto the sand Fimo. No need to add hair where the hat will cover.
Add the hat in purple Fimo (can be made on a small aluminum ball), then the tone-on-tone ribbon.    
the witch's head seen from behind
It's only once baked (in the oven at 130° for around 20 minutes) that the eyes, eyebrows and mouth are drawn with a fine acrylic felt-tip pen, then the cheeks are made up (with real make-up).
the witch's head in make-up
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