Rédacteur : Laurence_13avatar de Laurence_13

A model for Lego Indiana Jones

finished model, without Lego
Here's how to build a scale model of Lego Indiana Jones. Better than a scale model, a double scale model to play with two different scenes from the Indiana Jones films: the Swiss mountains of the 3rd episode and the Amazon rainforest of the latest opus. With a few small Lego boxes and the main characters, this double scale model is a good play medium after having been an exciting creative project for children.
LEGO Indiana Jones


  • a 40 x 52 cm board of thick plywood (6 mm
  • )
  • a small 40 x 18 cm board of thin plywood (3 mm
  • )
  • a spray can of expanding foam (the least expensive of the most environmentally-friendly)
  • acrylic paint in basic colors (blue, yellow, red, black,
  • brushes
  • DIY matches, small pieces of wood, brass wire
  • Fimo clay
  • small branches of dead wood, dry leaves, pebbles
  • small boxes of Lego Indiana Jones with the main characters and a few accessories

Model support

First of all, get the children to draw a plan on paper to imagine how their model will look, what film scenes will be represented, what elements they'd like to see... The model will be divided in two lengthways by the thin plywood board from which the mountains have been cut. The thin board is glued with wood glue, with a support on each side while it dries. On each side, the children draw in pencil the location of the reliefs: the road for the model on the "Swiss mountains" side, the location of the border post (which must be flat), and for the model on the "Amazon forest" side, the outline of the river's edge.
Wooden model support boards

Relief on the model

model relief with foam
Expanding foam insulation is used to create relief on the model. This is an inexpensive product (€4-6), but not suitable for children. So it's up to the adult to apply the foam (using the nozzle) according to the relief/non-relief zones indicated in pencil.
The areas must be wet so that the foam adheres well to the wood, the foam must be spread outside (release of chemical gases) and the model left to dry in the open air (sheltered outside).

dry foam
Once the moss has dried, surprise! the relief is clearly visible! All that's left to do is to cut out the overhangs and flat areas using a small saw by an adult, and the caverns and trap holes using small spoons by the children.
Spoon and holes

Painting the model

Painting the model
The painting stage can now begin, with the first step being to create the right colors from the base colors.
Different greens are successively applied in large strokes on the "Amazonian forest" side and on the mountains (vertical central board). The moss (especially where it has been cut) must be completely covered with paint to fix the moss dust. On the Swiss mountains side, cliffs and rocks are painted in different browns and the mountains in blue-grey with snow-capped peaks. The road in dark grey to evoke tar.
Indiana Jones model, Amazon forest sideModel for Lego mountains and road
The main backdrops are planted, and natural elements can be brought in by the children: branches of dry wood, leaves and small pebbles can be glued together (with universal glue) to form rocks. Then it's time to create a few accessories straight out of the various Indiana Jones films, little LEGO crafts that will be just as much fun as making the model itself...
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