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Paiement CB sécurisé
For the security of your online payments we use the payment solution by credit card controlled and secured by La Banque Postale.

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or create your customer record

The information collected on this form is recorded in a file by for theprocessing of your processing of your orders. They are kept for 5 years and are intended for the seller established in the European Union. In accordance with the law " informatique et libertés ", you can exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data rectify them directly in your customer area or by contacting :
Laurence Goasdoué
169 impasse de Malgras
26170 Buis les Baronnies

These data will be communicated only to the owner of the gallery, for the execution of your order, and will never be given to third parties.
You can modify these data on line via the Space of the Customers. Declaration to the CNIL n°1036334.