Halloween welcome plaque

Welcome plaque
Witches, ghosts and little monsters in disguise, come and beg for sweets, cakes and other treats - you're welcome! This autumn-colored welcome plaque is an original idea for greeting young and old with a smile.  


To make your own wooden elements :
* A piece of 230 x 260 x 5 mm plywood
* 2m50 of 27 mm-wide, 9 mm-thick battens
* tracing paper
* sandpaper
and a scroll saw as a tool.

To make up your welcome plaque:
* 60 cm of wire
* 1 ear of corn
* fabric scraps
* exterior paint and varnish
* raffia
* 16 x 16 mm nails and 2 x 50 mm nails (depending on the size of the corn cob)
and tools: glue gun, drill.

Cutting parts

Halloween door decor pattern
- Print the pattern of the characters, enlarge it if necessary (height of the witch 19 cm) and transfer it to the piece of plywood using the tracing paper. - Cut each piece with a scroll saw and then sand them. - Cut the cleat as follows:
- 2 x 20 cm - 2 x 17 cm - 1 x 22 cm - 3 x 26 cm - 2 x 24 cm


Halloween character
- Apply a coat of "gesso" primer, depending on the type of plywood and brand of paint used, and leave to dry. - Paint the figures, preferably with acrylic paint, and leave to dry. It's possible to proceed in several stages to mark contrasts. - Write the message of your choice ("Welcome" ...) on the panel - Apply an exterior varnish.  

Cleat assembly

halloween door
- Take the various pieces of cleat and place them side by side, leaving a small gap between them (3 x26cm, 1 x 22cm, 1 x20 cm, 2 x17 cm, 1 x20 cm). At 0.5 cm and 13 cm from the bottom, nail in the 2 24 cm cleats using small nails. - Using a drill, make 2 holes in the bottom cleat (7.5 cm from each end) to make it easier to fit the large nails. - Drill a small hole at the top of each side of the assembled panel to insert the wire that will hold the panel to the door.    


Welcome Halloween
- Heat the glue gun. - On the witch's hat, glue the lower part and the "jewel" created with a small piece of wire (approx. 3 cm) turned around a pencil and flattened. - From a scrap of fabric, cut a triangle to make the witch's scarf and tie it around her neck. Use two pieces of raffia to tie knots in the miss's pigtails. - Stitch the corn cob onto the two large nails. Glue the witch on top, arrange the characters (ghost and bat) and the "welcome" sign around her.
- Take the piece of wire, turn it on a pencil in places, leaving the ends smooth, pass it through each side of the panel (see pre-drilled holes) and curl the ends.  Add a raffia knot. your seasonal decoration is ready!
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