Halloween bracelets

Easy Halloween bracelets
Here's how to make your own amazing Halloween bracelets, step by step. Additional fantasy: these double bracelets wrap twice around the wrist, so the clasp sits naturally on the chain. Indispensable: a typical Halloween charm, such as the skull and crossbones that are so trendy right now... A charm that you can remove once the party's over and replace with a more discreet one, as these bracelets in the Halloween colors of Orange and Violet are pretty much all-purpose after all! Acreation of Bijoux et Perles, the boutique with 600 kits!


For a bracelet, you need : - a hollow plastic tube cord, Orange or Violet, 15 cm long, to be cut into 6 pieces, sold retail, - a frighteningly terrifying charm mounted on a 4 cm-long large-ring chain, - 6 black acrylic beads (here 2 round 10 mm beads and 4 olive 16 mm beads), - 2 cylindrical metal beads with large holes, - 12 metal separator beads, - a pretty original clasp, - wired wire, crushable beads, 4 U-shaped wire protectors.
Halloween bracelet materials and supplies

Fitting a double bracelet

First step in assembling the Halloween bracelet
The chain (with the Halloween charm at its center) is the centerpiece of this double bracelet.
Pass the end of a 22 cm length of wired thread through a crush bead, then through a "U" protection. Thread through the last ring of the chain. Pass the wire coming out of this protection through the same crush bead, leaving a 2 to 3 cm protrusion, then crush the bead using flat-nose pliers.
String the bracelet beads
String the bracelet beads: first a metal bead with a large hole (in which the bead to be crushed will hide), then an olive, a separator bead and a piece of tube. Continue by adding a round bead surrounded by a separator, then a tube, and finally an olive bead surrounded by a separator, then a tube. Finish with a separator bead. The length of this part is approx. 14.5 cm.
Fitting the bracelet clasp
Thread a crush bead. Pass through a U-shaped protector, then through the bead to be crushed, the Separator bead. Pull wire tight. Cut the protruding wire flush and crush the bead that will hide under the last separator bead.
Place the bracelet clasp
Thread a ring through the main part of the T-shaped clasp and pass it through the U-shaped protection. (Always open and close a ring from the side using flat jewelry pliers).
Make a symmetrical assembly for the other side of the bracelet from the chain, and finish with the T-shaped part of the clasp (attach it to the bracelet with 2 or 3 rings for greater flexibility).

These 2 bracelets, and many more, are on sale among the many pearl bracelets available from Bijoux et Perles, the boutique that also offers 600 jewelry kits!

Double bracelets in pearl and hollow tube
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