As potimarrons come in a variety of sizes, this recipe can be prepared for a large table, as well as for one or two people!
For 4 people, a 1 kg or 1.2 kg potimarron may suffice.
Choose an organic pumpkin to enjoy it with its skin (the skin is edible and even particularly nutritious, but it is rich in pesticides if it comes from non-organic farming): the vegetable thus doubles up as a cooking dish!
As this recipe is based on many delicate cuts, it should be prepared by adults. But children, as faithful helpers, can begin the work by brushing the skin of the little pumpkin under running water!
Cut off the top of the pumpkin (a delicate step - watch out for your fingers!), then remove the seeds and fibers. Scoop out a small portion of the flesh with a spoon.