Wire and wire Christmas decorations

Christmas boot decoration in wire & wire
Wire and wire" is the art of twisting, winding and giving shape to metal wire (silver wire for jewelry, aluminum, brass, stainless steel or iron wire for decoration).

Here are three hangers with Christmas motifs, in green and gold, made using this technique and here combined with pearls for an even more decorative effect...


  • mesh (the Fir Green color is ideal for this DIY!)
  • brass wire in gold and another contrasting color
  • pearly white seed beads
  • iridescent blue/violet drop beads

Drawing the shape of the pattern

First, draw the chosen motif on green wire. To do this, print the motif in the desired size. Then, using the wire from the spool, follow the outline of the motif, starting at the top of the design and leaving the wire 4 cm long. When the wire goes all the way around the motif, knot it and make a loop for hanging. If the motif can't be made "in one line", use another piece of wire which will be attached to the main motif with the brass wire (as in the case of the "swirl" inside the star). Wrap the brass wire at one point of the wire motif (or to attach a second piece), pull tight (it mustn't come loose). Then wrap the brass wire evenly around the motif.
make a wire Christmas star
a wire & wire boot
When this turn is complete, the brass wire crosses the pattern in all directions, winding evenly around the wire.


To add hanging beads

Thread a bead onto the brass wire, at about 1 cm, bend the brass wire and twist the protruding 1 cm length, then continue "twisting" the wire around the motif.

On the boot, a "line of rocailles" are threaded in parallel to mark the location of the boot's cuff.

Wire Christmas star with beads

The decorated tree

Fir tree in wire and wire
Two colors of brass wire are used to represent the garlands on the tree. the iridescent "drop" beads of course represent the hanging baubles.
close-up of the decorated tree
Not to be missed, also in "wire and wire": a Christmas Angel suspension, a beautiful, more elaborate creative project.
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