Making animals out of seed beads
To make an animal out of seed beads, use the bead-weaving technique. Simple to use once you've understood the principle, it's an activity that can be carried out with children or young teenagers.
first beaded animal: the crocodile
You'll need 1 m of wire for this little crocodile. Fold it in half and thread it through a ring.
Start with the tail: thread the first bead on a wire up to the ring. Pass the other thread through this bead. You've just woven your first bead!
Continue with the next beads in the same way. Look at the enlarged photos to see
the weaving pattern of the legs, which is the difficulty of this animal model.
You can change the bead color for the crocodile's body and especially to mark the eyes.
To finish your beaded animal, make a knot to hide under a bead.
and tricks
- It's easier to weave with brass wire (28mm diameter) than with nylon wire, because once tightened, the latter loosens up as you string the next beads.
- Brass wire, a little more difficult to tighten, doesn't move once in place.
- To make your own patterns: first draw them on small-square paper, choosing your colors
.- This will make weaving easier when you need to count the number of beads to be threaded
- Avoid too much difference in the number of beads between one row and the next: the beads are less secure
.- One bead difference is ideal: think about it when you draw the little animal to weave!
here's a dolphin, created from a pattern on graph paper. One rule: symmetry! However, you can easily add non-symmetrical elements, such as the dolphin's flipper.
and original: fetish dolls, all in pearls!
All in pearls (natural, crystal, seed beads) for real little jewels to take everywhere!
Face and arms, dress and hat, all in pearl montage.
Exist in kit with detailed, step-by-step assembly instructions, each illustrated with a diagram.