Stencils and stencil painting

Stencils make it easy to paint wood, fabric or plaster. To decorate small objects, renovate a kitchen, brighten up a staircase, highlight a door or frame a window, stencils can be used in a variety of ways.
repeated on walls or doors, a stencil motif becomes a superb frieze that provides lasting decoration for your home.

Here are our tips for making and using stencils, along with a few tricks gleaned from our stencil creations...
Stencilling a staircase

What materials should I use to make a stencil?

The most economical material is cardboard. But if you're going to be using this stencil many times (for a repeat motif), be sure to keep the original of your design, because if your original is your stencil, after several uses it will probably be damaged and you won't be able to redo exactly the same design from it.

Other possible materials: a slightly rigid plasticized sheet, a sheet of Rolloid, a sheet of metal.
Atip! Recover a sheet of linoleum tile: thick and plasticized, it's a very practical material for making stencils.

How to make a stencil

To make a free stencil, draw a design on your sheet of paper (cardboard or laminated). Or transfer a design from a magazine or the Internet and print it on paper.
You need to choose the motif carefully, as the non-recessed parts must be thick enough to ensure that applying paint with a stencil brush isn't too tedious. Then carefully recess your motif using a new cutter blade.
One-color kitchen frieze

How to use a stencil

Stencilled friezes in a bedroom
- With spray paint for ease of use: for example, snow spray to decorate windows at Christmas (be careful to operate in a ventilated area, as these sprays are harmful to breathe).
- With a brush: see the technique of painting on wood, the paints used can then be ecological paints (particularly interesting when painting walls, doors and therefore necessarily indoors).
- With a sponge, to create interesting textures and patterns (test beforehand).
- With a soft brush (toothbrush type), to project drops of paint.

stencilled friezes in several colors are particularly beautiful, but require great care and attention to detail. For beginners, it's best to start with a single-color motif.

Examples of stencil friezes

Here's a frieze at the top of a bathroom wall, painted in glaze. The stencil is in 2 main colors, but the use of a second green color for the leaves creates more relief.
Stencilled frieze on bathroom wallsStencilled flower frieze

A special stencil: the snowflake

Making a Snowflake stencil is a fun manual activity for children.
The method: cut a disk from paper (using an upside-down bowl). Fold in 8. With the imaginary center of the disk facing you, cut out a triangle on the opposite edge. You now have almost a "V" in front of you. On the other two sides, make 2 or 3 triangle-shaped cuts of different sizes. Unfold.
and voilà! A "magic trick" that will amaze the kids! This stencil is of course very useful at Christmas time for window decorations, greeting cards...

Stencil templates to print

The images below are reduced for display. To save them on your computer, right-click and select "save as..." you can then resize them for printing.

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modele pochoir étoile à imprmer modele pochoir arbre Discover Christmas stencils and star patterns, Christmas coloring pages that can also be used as stencils, Easter stencils and templates...
Metal stencils, zinc letters or words
In our shopping engine: stencils of all kinds, for creative hobbies and home decoration.
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