Easter templates, stencils and coloring pages

easter crafts
Here areprintable coloring pages, templates and stencils for your Easter crafts and homemade decorations to celebrate Easter in style. Crafts for the little ones, to cut out, color... Click on the coloring templates to print them.  
Various Easter eggs to color, each with its own personality!
coloring easter eggs
Easter hen stencil template
stencil template Easter hen

A colouring craft on the theme of chicks coming out of their shells:
coquille de Paques chick template
  Print out the template opposite, then cut out 2 shells and 1 chick. Color the 2 shells, then the chick. Staple the 2 shells together on the sides to slide the chick in, so that the child can make the shy little chick go in and out of its shell... Congratulations to Titouan for this beautiful hatching!
the egg comes out of its shell

Acut-and-paste craft to make a basket hen:
dIY easter hen egg basket
  Cut out two copies of the hen template from strong cardboard. Color in the hen's crest, beak and eye. Glue feathers, in the same direction! on both copies. Staple the two sides together (except the top of the body) to insert straw to make a cosy nest for the eggs placed inside.  
coloring easter craft hen basket
For family vacations, find ideas for outings and activities for the Easter vacations, and don't forget to bring back souvenirs so you can turn them into creative hobbies...
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