Towel models

Here are some examples of objects decorated using serviettage techniques: serviettage on effect paint, on craquelé, in relief... Serviettage on glass on small bowl
glass toweling

The glass is first carefully degreased, then painted with glass paint using a very soft brush. The foot of the bowl is painted in two coats, while the edges are just colored. When the paint is dry, the napkin cut-outs (here blue butterflies and small blue flowers) are glued to the reverse of the motif using the glue varnish spray technique.
The advantage of this technique is that the glue is not visible (whereas if you glue with liquid varnish-glue, the shine of the glue is particularly visible on glass and not very attractive).
Embossed napkins on cardboard boxes
toweling on cardboard box

The paper napkin motif to be glued is carefully cut out (the ladybug). In the place where you want to stick it (here, in the center of the box lid), you glue a little relief paste following the shape of the motif (barely shaped, as it dries very quickly in contact with your fingers). When it's completely dry, the lid and paste can be painted.
embossed ladybug napkin collage
The inner cardboard circle and the circumference of the box are painted in a light green illuminated with yellow and white (meadow effect) using a skunk brush. The edges of the lid are painted in fir green, darker towards the inside. The advantage of the 2-part lid is that you can easily paint the different parts of the box, playing with the contrast of the colors, without the risk of overflowing.
The circumference of the box and lid are then decorated using stencil painting techniques.
stencil and napkin painting
Another step-by-step model: Relief napkin frame Relief napkinand paint effect on wooden box
napkin painting relief

Thewooden box is first painted with Gesso (or white acrylic paint). An entire napkin square is glued to the center of the box: thanks to the aerosol varnish, the large motif can be positioned several times without risk of tearing, until it's perfectly positioned. The edges of the box are then painted red, then the top is stenciled with bands of white squares. The side of the box is painted yellow/gold, as if it were a book with golden pages.
relief painting on napkin pattern
The details of the napkin motif are then highlighted with relief paint (Pébéo-touch) right on the bottle: pearly pink for the dress, yellow for the lovers' hair, red for the little hearts... And here's a pretty box for the little drawing materials.

Relief paint swells a little after application. (a little, the line must still be precise even if small imperfections will be masked by the paint's "swelling effect").
napkin embossing


Serviettage on frosted-effect porcelain The white porcelain plate is first degreased, then the edges are sponge-painted.
servietting on porcelain plates

The large napkin motif is also glued to the back with spray varnish and placed in the center of the plate. Other small motifs cut from the same napkin are glued to the edges of the square.
porcelain toweling
The aerosol is then sprayed again over the entire plate, this time from a safe distance: the glue is then deposited with an amazing frosted effect!

This is a pocket-cutter, with no need for washing or food contact. You need to use a varnish-glue specifically for Porcelain for napkins on dishwasher-safe objects: exterior decorations on cups, for example (this Porcelain varnish-glue must be baked) or a special "food contact" varnish-glue (available under the Décopatch brand, among others) for decorations on plates or dishes...

A great selection of paper napkins in our Creative Supplies store
as well as glue varnishes and decorative items

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