Paper napkin gluing
- Choose the base. If necessary, paint it beforehand. On the right, a tray whose colors were chosen according to the napkin patterns! It's as if flower petals had landed here
- Cut out a paper napkin pattern with small scissors.
- Glue the future location using a brush.
- Apply the motif, first to the center, then to the edges, using the brush well moistened with glue.
- Allow to dry.
- To protect and unify the background, brush on a second coat of varnish-glue, then another
know: Carefully cut out the napkin decoration you wish to
stick on and double it. Note that there are towels with
three layers: keep only the designed part.
When paper napkin collage is combined with wood painting and stencil painting techniques...
The edges of the wooden box are first worked with a chisel to break up all the angles.
The light green color is applied to the sides and top, the dark green color to the top, bottom and edge of the lid.
With a cloth, white paint is applied. On the light green color, you must insist on obtaining a non-uniform background. On the dark green color, i.e. on the edges that have been worked with a chisel, the white paint marks all the reliefs, creating a marbled effect.
On the top, paint a line in light green, using a plastic ruler or the edge of a small stencil (clean up after each use).
Paste the carefully-cut paper napkin motifs. On the upper part, the ivy covers the light-green line in places.
Use a stencil to paint the tiles dark green.
Varnish the whole with varnish-glue. |

Click to enlarge
In order to use this salt box for edible products, the inside is left unfinished.
step-by-step object: a jewelry box
Paintthe wooden object in a solid color after dusting. Paint the inside too! It's beautiful when you open it | ...
Applywhite paint with a cloth, then blend immediately, always with the cloth. |
Carefully cut out the patterns from the paper napkins, experimenting with the arrangement of your cut-outs.
Encolor these patterns, starting from the center and working towards the edges.
Decorate the sides of the box with white paint, using a small stencil or a brush.

Varnish the whole object at least twice more.
Paper collage] [Decopatch objects]
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