Making a table garland

In just a few steps, here's how to make a long table garland, in colors for a black and white Christmas décor, but to soften the black, golden Montana grey pearls are combined with Crystal AB pearls (transparent crystal). This garland has the particularity of having a beautiful span, since 5 other small garlands cross it at 5 points along its length, each crossing being decorated with a silver bow tie...
Beaded table garland

Materials required

Start making the garland
Cut a 1m length of cabled wire (this is important for the flexibility and strength of the garland, as the weight of the beads cannot be accommodated by simple nylon wire). Make a loop with seed beads and secure the loop by passing the 2 ends of the wire through a crushable bead (leave the wire a few centimetres long, so the first beads strung will hold the 2 wires). Crush the pearl with flat-nose pliers.
step-by-step garland productionMaking the garland
Thread approximately 15 cm of facets (alternating 5 Gris montana facets, one small Crystal facet). Then thread a pearl to be crushed through a 24 cm length of thread, center this length and crush the pearl. Place a butterfly-knot fastener on top (diagonally), pull tight.
small pearl garland
On either side of the short length, string beads: around 8 to 10 small crystal facets, then a Gris Montana facet, etc... Keeping an element of randomness will create a beautiful effect... Stop threading 4 cm from the end to make the loop: first thread the bead to be crushed, then around 22 to 25 rocailles and pass the end of the thread back through the bead to be crushed and the preceding beads, tightening and crushing the bead.
Continue, leaving around 25 cm between each small garland that crosses the main one, and making a 2nd small garland with a length of wired wire of around 27 cm, the small central garland around 36 cm long and the last 2 of symmetrical size to the previous ones.
Making garlands one after the other
Table star to match garland

Ready to wear or to give as a gift, find this long table garland and Christmas star on the "Bijoux et Perles" boutique.
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