How to make embroidered beads

bead in embroidery stitch
            Here's an original technique for making embroidered beads, suggested by Colette.

Here'sa step-by-step tutorial she's been kind enough to share with us.
"To embroider tubular beads I used pearl cotton, soft cardboard and a needle.
I cut a piece of soft cardboard 2 cm wide and 4 cm long. Then I softened the cardboard so that it rolled up easily.
embroidery stitch bead tutorial
Then I stitched my cardboard roll, starting on the right-hand side from the inside out (the thread knot remains hidden inside the cardboard tube, and you have to sew the two layers of cardboard together to secure the roll). Working from right to left, I made scalloped stitches: in fact, all you have to do is stitch the needle into the cardboard (a single layer) at regular intervals and bring the needle out through the loop made by the thread (photo on right).
bead in embroidery stitch
Reaching the left end of the cardboard, I stitched the two layers of cardboard together again, as at the right edge, to finish securing the cardboard support for the future embroidered bead.

Atthe end of the 1st row, and for subsequent rows, once at the right-hand end:
making a bead step by step
I iron the thread inside the cardboard roll to bring it out on the left side and repeat one row of embroidery from left to right.
The next step is to embroider always from left to right (for regular work), making stitches as in the photo on the left, attaching them to the sort of horizontal weft made before.
making a bead in embroidery stitch
For the 1st row I made as many stitches as necessary to evenly cover the length of the roll and I had to stitch twice in each weft loop. The work doesn't appear very regular at first but don't worry, it will become so after two or three rows when it's well attached to the cardboard.
making a bead from cotton thread
To connect two lengths of wire, tie a knot so that once the wire has been passed from right to left inside the cardboard box, the connection is hidden inside the tube.   
making a bead in embroidery stitch
When the entire roll is covered with embroidery, attach the last row to the 1st row with small sliding stitches.   
making a bead in embroidery stitch
Finish the sides of the bead with stitches identical to the previous ones, making them on each loop flush with the edge of the hoop, then make a second row to close the side, embroidering only every other stitch of the front round. Pass the thread inside and bring it out on the other end to be finished in the same way. At the end of the work, when the thread is well knotted on the last stitch, pass it through the bead again and cut off the protruding length.
Voilà, the pearl is made!
Colette, "Mes petites fimoteries" " Mercià Colette pour cette technique de fabrication de perles originale !
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