Bilingual cross stitch glossary

You too love American cross-stitch patterns, but once you've bought the book, you're a bit stumped by the English words used.

Here's a little bilingual glossary of technical cross-stitch words for you.
Counted cross-stitch Point de croix à point compté
half cross-stitch Demi-point de croix
Long stitch Point lancé
stitch Point lancé
Embroidery Embroidery
Embroidery cotton
Stranded cotton Mouliné
Need le
strand (de Mouliné)
Dyes Colours,
Colour card Nuancier
Solid colors Grand teint
Fabric Tissu, support à broder
Linen Lien
size Aiguille (taille d'aiguille)
Round tip Aiguille à bout rond
Pointed tip Aiguille à bout pointu
Hook loom
Washing instructions Conseil d'entretien
Cross-stitcher That's us!
The crucifilists!
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